Start A Chapter In Your Area
Have you been inspired by an organization that isn’t in your area? Starting a new chapter of an organization gives you the chance to help out your community, with their support and experience available to guide you. Setting up a new chapter is a lot of work but actually getting your chapter off the ground is extremely rewarding!
Members are the lifeblood of your chapter… but when you’re just getting started, recruiting them can seem impossible. However, never fear: if you have enough determination and are ready to provide value to your community, you should have no problem recruiting the right members.
Advantages of Starting a New Chapter in Your Area
Not being the new kid in town.
Imagine you’re visiting a new town and you see two burger joints. Would you be more likely to go to the McDonald’s you recognize, or the unknown one? Most of us would choose the McDonald’s simply because it’s familiar, and this same principle applies for nonprofit chapters. Working with a well-known nonprofit can make it a lot easier for you to get donations, employees and volunteers. Your audience will already be familiar with your mission, and since they already know what to expect, they’ll be ready to jump in and help.
Not having to write your own rules.
Having standardized policies, procedures and documents from the parent organization that already covers existing chapters will save you a lot of time. For some great examples of the policies you’ll need to keep in mind.
Not having to write your own rules.
Having a standardized policies and procedures document from the parent organization that already covers existing chapters will save you a lot of time. For some great examples of the policies you’ll need to keep in mind.
If you still have questions please click here for answers to frequently asked membership related questions. Or you can always email your questions to